Ignite Your Inner Goddess
Join Us for a Special 2-day Transformational Event...
Feeling Trapped In Your Body?  Are you feeling forced to hide who you really are because of your status or occupation? Have you lost  yourself to shame, blame or guilt because of upbringing or past trauma? Are you stuck in a masculine world wanting to get out?

Connecting with your feminine is the pathway to freedom of expression, emotions and joy. It will allow you to connect with those you love in a deeper more meaningful way.  It will open you up to more possibilities in all areas of your life.

There is no experience that can compare to what we will share this weekend. Come join us!
Lisa Lieberman-Wang has said “you have to get out of your head and into our hearts”, now you need to get back into your body to connect with your essence and power. Rediscover your natural feminine rhythm. When you get in tune within, you can move and live more freely. You move with grace and ease effortlessly in your life. Find your true essence within. Get in touch with your real peace and power.
At Ignite Your Inner Goddess, Jen Bell & Lisa will guide you through a journey of self-discovery. Join us for two transformative, magically, mystical and empowering days together while you tap  into the beauty of feminine movement.

Let these two trusted guides help you on your journey from FINE to FAB in the feminine grace you may or may not have tapped into recently.

This is your moment to:

  • Tune into a hidden truth in your body
  • ​Connect with your natural, sexy groove
  • ​Learn how to open yourself to intimate relationships
  • ​Retrieve your extraordinary power
  • ​Love your body

If you’ve ever felt depleted, out of balance and empty, Ignite the Inner Goddess awaits you.

For Some Women

It is like unlocking the gates to the possibility of absolute bliss, total embodiment, and full feminine freedom to discover the nature of your true essence. It is a re-learning of the ancient wisdom in which you hold.

For Other Women

This journey takes you across the plateaus and through the deep valleys where we're stuck in our daily lives, relationships and intimate experiences to take joy in a body that's freer and more expressive than you've ever imagined.

On this retreat you will:

  • Learn how to embrace and embody the keys to a sexy, soulful feminine life
  • Harness your emotions to bring you everything you desire
  • Build stronger relationships – and boundaries!
  • ​Create new patterns in the body, breaking up patterns of fatigue, aches and stuck energy
We are creating a space of sisterhood, connection and support together on the retreat. A place where you can be as expressive as you want to be emotionally. Our rooms are warmly lit, and women from all backgrounds and walks of life are intoxicating. 

" It's a special time when I am free to express myself"

"Movement is part of us but as women, we are excepted to conform to the social pressure of what is proper in how we dress and move. For me it is a special time when I am free to express myself in movement to take joy in my body and reconnecting with my emotions."
Jessica Anderson

"The retreat...allowed me to fully embrace every curve"

"Before attending the ignite your inner goddess retreat I felt out of touch with my body and my feminine energy. I felt unsafe to be me.

The retreat really helped me to release stored emotions that I was holding on to and ALLOWED me to fully embrace every curve of my body. It also taught me that there is freedom in my sexy and feminine self.

I continue to attend these workshops because every time I discover something new about me, release stored emotions and fall even more deeply in love with me and my body! " Brenda Kiss

"I absolutely loved the Inner Goddess Retreat".

"I absolutely loved the Inner Goddess Retreat.  It was life-changing.  Not only did I have a great time connecting with all my FAB sisters, but I also learned so much about myself.  Simply learning about masculine and feminine traits that we all have and how they can impact your life and relationships. 

Lisa’s retreat teaches you about femininity and skillsets to practice every day to tap into your inner goddess.  Applying the skillsets learned from the retreat, my life has taken a turn for only the best: relationships and work.  I have fully embraced my femininity and learned just how powerful being feminine can be. 

Can’t wait till the next time the Inner Goddess retreat happens again because I will be there!" Denise Young

"I was craving being in my feminine energy more"

"Being in a male-dominated industry for almost two decades, I was craving being in my feminine energy more. Lisa created a safe and supportive environment where I was able to fully reclaim and embrace my feminine power.

It’s the beginning of a beautiful journey where I’m learning how to be even more successful being my authentic true self." Jenn Pearson
FINE to FAB, All Rights Reserved All Material Copyright 2019-2020 • May Not Be Shared, Copied or Distributed Without Permission.